Request for preventive detention of Alexandre de Moraes is accepted by the MPM |Didi Galvao's blog

2023-03-16 16:25:29 By : Ms. Violet Li

After accepting the request on Thursday night (8), the Military Public Prosecutor's Office appointed Minister Artur Vidigal de Oliveira as the case's rapporteur.Source: Campos dos Goytacazes City PortalA request for criminal representation and crime news against the Minister of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, was accepted by the Military Public Ministry.In the request presented on the night of this Thursday (8), by the former judge of the Court of Justice of Amapá, Wilson Issao Koressawa, the magistrate is requested to be held in custody.After accepting the request, the Military Public Ministry appointed Minister Artur Vidigal de Oliveira as rapporteur for the case.The crime news can be found in the process query on the Federal Supreme Court website under No. 7000839-44.2022.7.00.0000 in the criminal representation class crime news.The tension in the political sphere, where the Minister has been making very questionable decisions, has been causing tension between the powers, even after the elections, where, according to Alexandre de Moraes, it is a crime to raise any doubt or suspicion about the procedures of the elections, much less on the operation of electronic voting machines.What is leading thousands of Brazilians across the country, to stand in front of the barracks, for more than 30 days, asking for the removal of the minister, as well as the opening of the source code of the polls, so that an independent expert can, in fact, report whether or not there was fraud in this year's elections, especially in the second round.Now it remains to wait for the next chapters, if the arrest request will really be granted, and if with Minister Alexandre de Moraes, other magistrates will also fall who, with absurd decisions, have taken the right of people to express themselves and question.Excellent blog.Great text!Impartiality and consistency!I have several passages that could be manipulated to mislead people in the interpretation!But just reported!I hope that freedom of expression will always prevail.And may the mainstream press use this blog as an example!Great blog!Congratulations!I would like an answer: Is it true that the request of these people, in front of the barracks, should be asked for “the intervention of the army with President Bolsonaro remaining in power!??” Since, in the way they are asking, it would be the dictatorship of the Communist Army … Doubts …I would like an answer: Is it true that the request of these people, in front of the barracks, should be asked for “the intervention of the army with President Bolsonaro remaining in power!??” Since, in the way they are asking, it would be the dictatorship of the Communist Army … Doubts …??Would it be true that the request of these people, in front of the barracks, should be asked for “the intervention of the army with the permanence of Pres.Bolsonaro in power!??” Since, in the way they are asking, it would be the dictatorship of the Communist Army … Doubts …??Wake up!You are having hallucinations.Are we living in different countries can't you see the obvious?Forget sides be patriot.It's really coherent.Alexandre de Moraes is from the TSE and not from the STF, as the block falsely reports.What is more.The former judge who asked for PREVENTIVE DETENTION of MORAES supports BOLSONARO and has a history of confusing or conspiratorial requests.An example of this was the request that this same former judge made for William Bonner’s preventive detention, for “encouraging” vaccination against covid 19, earlier this year.In short, it does nothing.????Stupidity caught?Ugh each one that appearsIf you don't know, the president of the TSE is a member of the STF.Excellent, new elections for the first and second rounds were stolen in the second round, they were stolen in the first as well, since they are the same ballot boxesIt failed to say that the lawyer in question is famous for making confusing petitions based on fake news and conspiracy theories.Are you sure that's the whole problem?Exactly!It's the same one who filed for Bonner's arrest, because he defended the vaccine in JN.In other words..... kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkCongratulations on the transparent form of information and news.It is not biased and sought to clearly convey the message of the complainant and the body receiving the complaint!Congratulations on being irresponsible.In a moment of great tensions, provoked not by the STF but by the supporters of the militia band in the service of the worst president in the country's history, fueling this nonsense does nothing more than disturb even more something that is already quite chaotic.The Brazil of ignorance is the ONLY country in the world where half a dozen rich opportunists and an ignorant POOR mass side by side with tax-evading businessmen, landlords and urban and rural militiamen want a revolution… A sad fate awaits us!Exactly.But I don't believe that will materialize.Controversy will dilute this irresponsibility. It is very insanity not to respect the result of the elections.Why not give the source code then!What fo te code do you want, dear?This has already been done, it's fake news that you fell for because you're too lazy to search.Information given by other media and only one was the source, but what will be the interest of these reports?Well, being impartial is what this journalist did, he brought the information without emphasizing other topics.You petistas are really blind or donkeys.Supporting a gang of thieves.The best are defending the egghead.Look at the reproaches he has released in recent months, is that right??WE LIVE IN A FREE COUNTRY WITH THE RIGHT OF EXPRESSION.A THIEF'S PLACE IS IN JAIL….AND THE PLACE OF YOU IGNORANT BUCKS IS IN THE PASTURE EATING GRASSThose who have a minimum of character and patriotism do not support a convicted thief for an administrative position, nor as a protest against someone who made pronouncements that offended their ego.You have no shame in that pig face of yours.To make a comment in bad taste like that you must be like Alexandre de Moraes a b****** just like him clown you must be a civil servant who receives sucks from the government's teat for many years you o*** **Brazil is the only country in the world where a convict is a candidate for president of the country, wins with fraud and has a bunch of alienated donkeys sniffing the criminal's tail.It will pick you up you filthy sworn.I agree in number, gender and degree!!!I totally agree with you.The biggest thief in history proving I managed to steal until the elections.The worst thing is this bunch of lazy people who support a thief just to receive the misery of government aid instead of getting up early and looking for a job.Ptistas are all muggles kkkkkWe are going through a difficult time, we know that a candidate from a party that has been proven in robbery, among other things, could not be released, but I think the worst thing was who withdrew the accusations and who returned to that candidate, who elected to have the same nature.Interesting: According to the citizen, the current president is “the worst president that Brazil has ever had”, however, he forgot to mention the billions in diversion of funds, purchases of plants, subway, farms, triplex, planes of the children that are worth more than 100 million where even an animal handler in a zoo was, in addition to being involved in the death of Celso Daniel and others who were part of the case and funding contractors such as Odebretch, OAS among others with 2 cash….I am referring to LULA… Then the friend seems to have amnesia.But that's it.. leftism is above reasoning ability.And look, I'm not even defending bolsonaro??? this calls amnesia or compacting with a thief lolIt didn't even seem to defend Bolsonaro brother, you can rest assured lolI agree with every comma you put in your comment!You really are an idiot, how ignorant, hey please move from Brazil, you don't know anything about dairy.For those who like thieves, you have to support PT, you should definitely partnerWhich one do you fit in?In the good hate class?Lol Seek to argue instead of labeling personal adjectives.Sad and having a thief as president Lula the number one thief BarrabásAccept that it hurts less.They lost Manés. DON'T bother. They'll cry becausepVive must be this "half dozen rich opportunists" to write such ignorant words!Surely your values ​​and principles must have drained down the drain a long time ago, because you only see what is relevant to you.It's not about Bolsonaro but about not wanting thugs in charge of my country you hypocrite!Racist little comment from you, huh?Calling the protesters ignorant is a tremendous lack of respect.In fact, they claim constitutional rights that will even benefit you and your family.Do you think so?Do you think the STF is beautiful the way it acts and acted?The alleged fraudulent elected cannot parade in an open car... it's the harvestDear Mr Marcello.You certainly smoked something rotten!If not, his comment, laden with “ignorance” and lack of knowledge, makes his character clear.I agree with every comma you put in your comment!The news borders on fake news, that's because, for the lay reader of the impression that Min's arrest was decreed.Alexandre Moraes, and does not explain that the Military Public Prosecution Service does not decide anything (the MP is the accusing body that receives a protocol, even in the news there is not even an opinion from the MPM), but it is the Minister Rapporteur who decides, and there is no decision even if it was decided to initiate an investigation!Furthermore, as I checked, the case number mentioned is not a case of the STF, but of the Superior Military Court.This news is irresponsible for leading the lay reader to a false understanding!This type of misinformation is regrettable!!!But you like UOL and G1This is always how Bolsonarist psychopaths act, they abuse people's ignorance by misrepresenting information and how they always do the beast bubble, because only she believes in them.lolMarcelo, good morning.You have no idea what you're talking about.These entrepreneurs are the ones who generate jobs and wealth for this country.The people clamor for an absurd situation of disapproval.The moment may be wrong, as the right moment would be exactly when the fact of the non-condemnation happened.But the indignation is there, I feel that you are the part that is not able to see, the biggest problem is who was put, because if it were anyone else to be elected, Haddad, Marina, Dória or anyone else who had not left jail, it would not would have this feeling.Arguing with petralhas is a waste of time.Anyone who votes for Lula is an equal or worse villain than he is.Do you think so?Do you think the STF is beautiful the way it acts and acted?The alleged fraudulent elected cannot parade in an open car... it's the harvest.Petista is like a pigeon playing chess... knocks over the pieces.. shits on the board and comes out proud beating his chest and screaming I WONGentlemen, just like the cup closed for the Banana Republic, this subject in question is a joke, 40 million deluded and the other half of the unwary, nothing will change at all….. Thankfully, unanimity is dumber…..Boy what a ridiculous site is this?This lawyer is a poor deranged bastard.And another, mpm only decides something between military.Do you understand this or do you need to draw, cattle?Draw... why?inform yourself laymanLula is a thief and Moraes is committing crimes, yes.Pacheco is an accomplice, as are the other ministers of justice.Corja robes, blatantly partisan….they get rich from public heralds and devastate human morals and dignity <[Trash]100 years is little, for him and the other accomplices.???????????????Ready .That's right.I live in the northeast and get sick with the ignorance of my people.It's sad to limit yourself to the globe and vote for the biggest bandit in the world.My God where are we?The gang returned.?unfortunately those who defend this bunch of corrupt people and bums are also like that if it's some businessmen and because they're interested and if they're poor it's because they're starving and they're bums and don't like to workAccess to this article on the original page (Portal da Cidade Campos dos Goytacazes) is excessively denied.At the very least, the STF ordered the matter to be doesn't mean anything.Biased reporting. Lay people will believe it without researching it first; especially the idiots who are in front of the barracksExcellent!Now it's just a case of arresting and sentencing him to 10 years for every crime committed in violation of the constitution.As far as I remember, it's about 20, 200 years in prison and that's it.Ah, he needs to account for the source codes, plus 100 years for his partiality in the electoral process for him and the other accomplices.??????????I wanted to be quiet but I can't.In the federal constitution there are only 3 CONSTITUTED POWERS OF THE REPUBLIC, the executive (president of the republic), the legislative (deputies and senators) and the FEDERAL JUDICIARY (STF).The STM takes care of MILITARY matters, IS XANDÃO A MILITARY?PROVE me where it is written in the federal constitution that the STM is a fourth power, I WILL BE SITTING WAITING FOR YOU TO PROVE IT.The constitution reports that the Power Emanates from the People when a magistrate thinks he is GOD is questionable and when he orders the arrest of people who have the right to freedom of expression and thought is another fact to be questioned Carmen Lúcia herself accepted with reservations what was determined by the supreme court, I as a mere student and the OAB and other magistrates believe that the STF should be the balance between the 3 powers and not the supreme power and assume the role of the legislature.So I believe there is something to be discussed in relation to the reform of the judiciary and our government that has done nothing for the people since the days of Monarch Power and slavery.See the percentage of the prison class and people below the promotion line.I believe in GOD and I believe that in the right time he will give the answer to those who only pretend to be GOD.Just look at the Nuremberg trial when the 10 commandments written in the bible were written there.I do believe, in the constitution there are articles where the army can intervene, I am not talking about overthrowing democracy, but about validating democracy, in case Alexandre de Moraes has in fact made himself a GOD and ordered the arrest of citizens who only expressed their opinion and thought the same must pay because no one is above the law of men and especially of GOD.When bozo won in the last election, nobody said it was fraud at the polls, nor did he go check it out, why is that?Because he won... that's all.But for sure there would be no second round stop shooting at the moon you nutcases.They are embarrassing themselves and playing ridiculous You suckers.GNT is decided;with a difference of 2 million votes Lula was elected, the important thing is that we took a genocidal madman out of power, then the gnt sees what he does.. Accept it.The election is over, stop mimimi.Noemi you are biased.It is clear that the elections were rigged.The assessment must be public.Transparency above all.Because it doesn't show the source code.MANUFACTURED ELECTIONS FOR THE BIGGEST CORRUPT IN THE COUNTRY'S HISTORYThe fact is that the STM complied with the request, unlike what had been happening with other actions against Minister Alexandre, this alone reveals that he now, unlike what he had been disdaining, saying that only his peers, that is, ministers of the supreme could judging his conduct, it seems that it is not exactly what he expected, the crime news will be appreciated and if he is sent away with a preventive arrest warrant, the army personnel will pick him up.It's crazy!!… STF judges are not judged by the STM.THANK GOD THERE IS STILL A CONSTITUTION IN THIS COUNTRY!!I liked the article that, in a coherent way, did not make accusations against anyone, but raises the need for transparency regarding the elections that throughout the electoral process, the actions taken by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, only caused a lot of doubt in relation to the radio station, in relation to to prohibitions on what candidate Bolsonaro could or could not use in his electoral propaganda program.I believe that anyone who has a minimum of conscience and intelligence, it is remarkable, that those who did not want a clean election were conspiring against any form of transparency in relation to the holding of the election, starting, including with the denial of the * printed vote, * because that would be the least that could be done to sustain the fairness of the elections.Incidentally, the printed vote would be a transparent and safe way for both the left and the right.In this way, it would be possible to reduce doubts or even remedy any discourse contrary to the transparency of the electoral process.I have already commented in other files that, in case of doubt as to the outcome of the elections, the *reversal of the burden of proof should apply, where whoever has the means to prove innocence (in this case the fairness of the elections) must show that there really was no fraud.And that's so simple, presenting the source code, where you can once and for all exhaust any doubts about the outcome of the elections.However, the resistance in hiding this source code, only increases the doubt, and making us assume that there really was fraud.Bunch of imbeciles, these petistas, defending a thief who will soon be at the crime scene again, the dumb and blind people, they have aminesia, they forgot what the PT did, and the worst is yet to come, our Brazil becoming a future Venezuela or bankrupt Argentina in the hands of these thieves, military intervention took a while to happen and already arrest this egghead Alexandre de Moraes and the other ministers too and close this rotten congress, if the army doesn't take action now, Brazil will sink turnI thought this portal was reliable, I researched and found out that it's all fake news.Worse than the poor Bolsonaristas are celebrating, another disappointment for them, what a pity.Just don't!I want them to take a lot of rain to cool their heads because they don't have a brain.The fake news inquiry is a crime against the nation, absurd, bizarre.These ministers went beyond the limits of legality.Save my data in this browser for the next time I comment.